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Nova Scotia pianist Jennifer King releases new EP: Emily Doolittle “Minute Études”

Leaf Music is thrilled to announce the release of pianist Jennifer King’s EP of “Minute Études: Books 1&2: (Excerpts) [Live].  The six short piano works are from a pair of volumes published by Halifax-born composer Emily Doolittle in 1998 and 2002.  The selections chosen by Jennifer King include, “Lonely,” “Furtive,” “Fleeting,” “Glassy,” “Languid,” and “Tranquil.”  Each selection offers listeners a “bite-sized” exploration of a programmatic mood or idea, whether it’s an interval, a rhythmic pattern, or an effect.
The recording was produced by Nova Scotia composer and former CBC radio producer Bob Bauer at the Halifax Central Library.  The live performance was part of an event titled ‘A Little Night Music’ presented by the Canadian Music Centre: Atlantic Region and Arts Nova Scotia.  Pianists Simon Docking, Jennifer King, Janet Hammock, and Barbara Pritchard were all part of the larger event.
The Minute Études EP follows her début album “O Mistress Moon” which received a 2019 East Coast Music Award nomination for “Classical Recording of the Year.”