November 19, 2021 (Halifax) – Leaf Music Distribution is pleased to present Canadian viola soloist Pemi Paull’s debut album, Musicum Umbrarum. The album features five solo works by 20th and 21st century composers Mahler / Ljova, Ligeti, Finnissy, Godin, and Enescu. Musicum Umbrarum will be available on all streaming platforms November 19, 2021.
Musicum Umbrarum represents a unique collection of music for solo viola, featuring works adapted to the instrument (Enescu, Mahler), a recently commissioned piece for the viola by the Canadian composer Scott Godin, and two late- 20th century masterpieces: Obrecht Motetten III by Michael Finnissy, and, perhaps the most challenging and monumental work for the viola, the sonata for solo viola by György Ligeti.
The Whole Note writes: “The central work on the CD is the towering Sonata for Viola Solo by György Ligeti. A relatively late work from 1991-94 it has a fascinating and original construction: a first movement played entirely on the low C string; a second of frantic double stops; a third movement of torment and struggle; a muted perpetual motion fourth; a fifth mostly in parallel seconds and sevenths; and a Chaconne chromatique to finish. Paull meets every challenge with ease and authority.”
Pemi Paull has been performing extensively as a soloist and chamber musician, nationally and internationally, for more than 20 years, cultivating deep roots in Canada’s contemporary, historical, chamber music and improvised music communities, as well as Montreal’s indie community. Pemi’s activities have brought him to the forefront of Canada’s contemporary music world, as artistic director of Montreal-based Warhol Dervish, a genre bending chamber music collective, and he collaborates frequently with two important new music ensembles, Bradyworks and SMCQ, and was previously a member of the pioneering KORE ensemble, led by Michael Oesterle and Marc Couroux.
In the sphere of historical performance, Pemi is a member of Ensemble Caprice, with whom he has recorded nine albums, winning one Juno (Canadian Grammy) in the process, as well as recordings with Arion, Theatre of Early Music, and Notturna, among others.
Pemi Paull | Musicum Umbrarum
Release date: Nov 19, 2021
Physical/Digital Release
Listen/Buy HERE