Measha Brueggergosman-Lee, Hannaford Street Silver Band & Margaret Atwood | Zombie Blizzard

Release Date: March 1, 2024

UPC: 3191684102290


Audio – HD(.zip)

Audio – MP3(.zip)

Cover Art(.jpg)

Booklet (.pdf)

Sales Sheet (.pdf)

Trailer (mp4)

Catalog Number: LM277

Zombie Blizzard includes recitations by Margaret Atwood and songs composed by Aaron Davis on the texts of 7 poems from the 2020 publication Dearly: Zombie, Blizzard, Health Class, Princess Clothing, Shadow, Digging up the Scythians, and Dearly.

This album has a unique blending of the classical concert aria and jazz-influenced art song in which composer Aaron Davis uses the visceral poetry of Margaret Atwood to tackle issues of sexism, humour, gender inequality, and grief.