CMAC project inquiry

Contact Information

We’ll contact you at this email once we’ve had a chance to review your submission.

Album Information

If the title has not been finalized, feel free to list a working title or leave this field blank.
Please briefly describe your album. This should include a general summary of the album’s style/genre, repertoire, and instrumentation.
a brief summary of each package can be found at
Provide your best estimate of when the album will be finished and ready to submit to distribution services. All audio should be mastered, artwork finalized, and any other supporting materials (such as liner notes) collected by this date.

Release Date

Leaf Music Distribution releases typically take place on the last Friday of each month. In order to properly execute the release, we require at least 90 days between the submission of the final album materials and the earliest possible release date.
Please provide your preferred release date, at least 90 days from the date you submit this form. If the preferred date is significant (e.g. anniversary, birthday, etc.), please note this below.
We may not be able to accommodate your first choice for release date. If there are any alternate dates that are preferable, or any dates you would like us to avoid, please let us know here.


Optional: If you have work-in-progress recordings (e.g. temporary mixes), or finalized masters, feel free to post a link here. Please let us know if this represents a finished or unfinished product, as well as what you intend to change.
Anything else we should know about you or the album?